Sunday, March 6, 2011

Please support HB1346 and HB736 (SB 1303 and 1792)

If you are a Tennessee resident, here are two very important bills to the Tennessee Wine Industry.  Both are designed to get TN up to the level of the competition, our neighboring states such as NC, VA, MO and KY.  All of these states have thriving state wine industries, and TN continues to fall further and further behind because they limit the distribution channels of in-state wineries.

House Bill 1346 will allow TN wineries to sell directly to restaurants and hotels.  This would be a big boost to in-state wineries, in a state where less than 10% of the wineries use wholesalers.  Most of their business comes in through front door sales or online. 
House Bill 746 will allow a TN winery to have up to 2 satellite sales locations where mfg. of wine is not required.  This would help expand their presence and allow additional sales markets that are desperately needed.

These bills will not even be voted on unless they make it out of committee.  The committee they have been assigned to is the State and Local Gov't Committee in the House.  The House SLG committee members are as follows:

Committee Officers


Chances are no matter where you are in Tennessee, one of these members is in your district.  West, Middle and East Tennessee is well represented on this committee.

Calling members of this committee directly is recommended.  Let them know you support these bills.

Smart, useful grassroots bills such as these don't get as much exposure as they should.  If you are a TN taxpayer, these bills will benefit you.  New jobs and new tax revenue for the state.  How many bills currently being proposed for 2011 can you say will provide new jobs in the rural counties with the stroke of a pen?  Without hefty state incentives?

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